UNILAG Supplementary Admission List For 2019/2020 Session

The UNILAG Supplementary Admission List for 2019/2020 academic session has been released. Candidates who applied for admission in the University of Lagos (UNILAG) for the 2019/2020 should check here
The UNILAG Supplementary Admission List for 2019/2020 academic session has been released. Candidates who applied for admission in the University of Lagos (UNILAG) for the 2019/2020 academic session can proceed to check if they have been offered admission by the university.
The list of admitted candidates has been made available on JAMB CAPS. See details on how to check yours below;
How to Check UNILAG Admission List on JAMB CAPS
Visit jamb.org.ng/efacility .

  1. Login to your Jamb profile with your username and password.
  2. Scroll down then locate and click the ‘Check Admission Status‘ tab.
  3. Select your Exam year and Enter your registration number in the required columns.
  4. Then, click on ‘Check Admission Status‘ to access your admission status.

For those that their status is showing "Admission Still in Progress" or "Not Admitted", you are advised to keep checking as the status may change anytime soon.

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